Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mass quantities of Kool-Aid

It's like a brief trip to an oasis in the dessert...I'm spending the weekend at my boss' house, which is complete with wine and wireless, both of which I've had a hefty dose of this evening.

I'm halfway through my two week stint here in Wisco. It's been chilly here, and I haven't quite brought the right clothes for riding in this weather. I did manage to commute into the office twice last week, and got in a road ride today as well. I really want to get back to the trails across from the office, but my time during the day leaves little for checking email, let alone getting in a proper ride.

I've been trying to wrap my head around suspension designs. It's an education that's been a long time coming. The only problem is that I'm being told to preach the merits of one sort, while at the same time having a hard time finding the same flaws in other designs that I'm being told to speak of. I've never been refined enough to feel the difference in suspension. Perhaps I need to pay more attention from here on out.

I'd much rather talk about other things...I'm going to have to talk about suspension 52 times over the winter.

I've been following the Podcasts of Andy and Tim. It's been fun 'watching' the two of them get into this and turning it into something viable that they want to share with their friends. From my perspective, it's just nice to hear their voices. It makes me feel less far away from it all.

I was chatting with Ferrentino tonight. I told him that I have an emotional need to stay in touch with my friends. I think the wine has actually made me think more clearly, because I deduced that it must stem from a desire to be accepted. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal, really. Doesn't everyone want people to like them? I guess for me, it matters which people that includes, though.

Dan is getting so good at photography that I am seriously jealous. If there's one thing that my lack of time makes me frustrated about, it's not being able to practice with the camera. I think this is just another example of me really having the desire to be good at something, without possessing any sort of 'natural talent'.

I have one more day of unlimited internet use before returning to the techno glut that is the cabin. More Kool-Aid next week, then back on the road to a destination that promises warmer weather: Phoenix.


Anonymous said...

You should do a podcast Chris :)

G as in Chris said...

I don't think I'd be half as entertaining as the guys! Who wants to hear me talking about how much I like sheep all the time? :~)

Anonymous said...

Give it a go, might be fun :)

Anonymous said...

There's something very relaxing about listening to Mojo Crash isn't there. We find it's best to appreciate it with a fine beer :o)

Anonymous said...

It's not just me who gets confused by suspension stuff then. And I work for a magazine and everything...the shame.

Yeah, Dan is getting good, just don't tell him. Don't think his ego will fit into my inbox!