Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 12-Oh, How I Love My Cross Bike

I planned to ride today, and ride I did.

Random had told be about some bike path stuff he did while he was here a couple of weeks ago. It included a path that is not too far from the house here. I did some research on Google Maps and found the path and the way to it.

I took the cross bike, just because. Once again I was rewarded for my choice by loads of little singletrack sections straying to and fro from the paved trail. It was so. Much. Fun.

I worked my way down to the campus of Ohio State University, which Michael says is one of the biggest schools in the country with it's population of something like 60,000 students. Wow. I knew it was big, but I didn't know it was that big. I continued from there towards the German Village, which Rando had also mentioned. I found a little deli and had some food before starting back.

Rider, meet headwind.

It was breezy when I left, and I could swear that it was in my face until I noticed some branches near downtown blowing in the same direction. This meant that when I started back, I was going to hit the wind head on. For a long way. It was probably 15 or so miles back to the house, with no way to really escape the gusts. I was worked when I started heading back, probably because in my glee I was turning the cranks pretty hard. I am completely tired now, and have that nice little leg burn that we all love in our weird, sadistic way.

The good, and completely unrelated news, is that Michael informed me that they now have wireless at the house. This spares me from having to go find a coffee shop to bring all of my readers, all 2.7 of you, your daily dose. I know how excited you are.

Kim arrives home late tonight, so tomorrow should be complete with many tales of her exciting weekend. I might ride my bike again.


2 more litres today said...

Am I the .7 of your readership?

Steve J Makin said...

I rode a bike today as well :-)

Chipps said...

I must be your .7 - so that leaves at least 1.8 people to go...